Adam Dance responds to the decision to cut back the Intensive Stroke Unit at Yeovil Hospital

Responding to the proposal to move part of the Stroke Unit from Yeovil Hospital to Dorchester, Adam Dance said:
"I believe the Integrated Care Board (ICB) made a serious error yesterday when it voted unanimously to move hyper-acute beds from Yeovil General Hospital to a new unit in Dorchester.
"Moving to Dorchester makes no sense as there is no guarantee that the unit can be delivered on time and on budget. I want residents around Yeovil to be assured of the best possible care for stroke patients. If money is available to be spent on a Hyper-Acute Stroke Unit in Dorchester, why would the money (Somerset money) not be better spent doing the same in Yeovil?
"The ICB needs to reassess the situation once the financial evidence is clearer. At present I am not convinced the decision to move to Dorchester will improve services for the people of Yeovil and the surrounding areas."